The future of the world wide web needs to be fast, secure, and reliable. A lot of business occurs over the internet and a lot of sensitive information is distributed during an business interaction. A fast and reliable way to store information is used through the cloud. The cloud is a way of storing information outside of the physical constraints of a server or hard drive and connecting to it primarily through the internet. We are able to have a centralized system of high end computers which share resources to a larger number of end-users.
Monday, February 17, 2014
My First Blog Post
How do you feel a course can effectively integrate blogs, Twitter, and/or other Web 2.0 technologies?
In our current fast paced society where everything must be done in an instant; technology is a highly vital part of our every day lives. With the majority of people using technology throughout the day, including social media, work, school, or recreation, why not merge these tools together. Social media can be used effectively in a classroom due to it being the most up to date outlets to the rest of the world, additional social interaction between the teacher and student outside of the classroom, as well as a great tool for the classroom. News is posted on Twitter or Facebook faster than any journalist can write up a story. It also contains a lot more information compared to a new outlet. As mentioned by TeachThoughT, the social interaction between a teacher and student is a very important part of learning. Social media allows for easy interaction outside of the classroom through online discussions.
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